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"Once I got here to the beautiful, comfortable hotel here in Romania, I instantly felt the peace and happiness that saturates the atmosphere on large WPAs.
I float through the days here enjoying the beautifully structured course, experiences of profound silence, peace and joy and the friendship and fun of meeting old friends from courses past. One of the great joys of the course is listening to videos of Maharishi during the knowledge meetings. It reminds me of what is most precious to me and renews my commitment to living that." — Maurice, Canada
WPA Romania - Experiences and Gratitude
"The 80 days in Romania WPA were life-transforming for me. It’s one of the best courses I have ever attended during my 35 years in the movement. A very profound transformation happened deep within me." — Chih-chieh Lin, Taiwan

Celebrating Guru Purnima 2022
at World Peace Assembly Romania
“I am so grateful for my 6 weeks spent on the 3-in-1 World Peace Assembly. Coming from Australia seemed like a long journey, but as soon as I arrived at our hotel in Romania I felt effortlessly at home. There was a simplicity and naturalness in the group, a lightness, sweetness and tangible coherence, so much infinite correlation. My decision to go to Romania to help create coherence attracted enormous Nature’s support - if you feel the impulse to go too, don’t hesitate!" — Claire, Australia

"The course leadership offered by Adela Herea, Markus Gerber, Nicolae Stoian and Cornelia Jung was warm hearted and supportive, offering brilliant leadership and management - a truly exemplary leadership team to be praised and lauded for their commitment. In my 43 years of living, the Romanian WPA is and will always remain a shining highlight. Thank you. Jai Guru Dev." — Warren, South Africa
"I have been already twice in Romania this year. The first time I came to the World Peace Assembly at the end of March as a Meditator and I was impressed by the kindness and warmth of the people there. They care about each other and everything comes from the heart. It was over-whelming. There I heard about the TM Sidhi-course that would start a few weeks later. At first I doubted because becoming a Sidha was something I had in mind for the far future but I became enthusiastic and I felt Nature support. Life is full of surprises!" — Yvonne de Koning, Belgium

"For me, the most wonderful feature of the WPA is the friendliness, love and unity in the group, even though people have come from all over the world, from different cultures, religions and political systems. People are so kind, accepting and gentle with each other.
It is such a striking and practical demonstration of the Vedic phrase Maharishi liked to quote: Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam - ‘The World is My Family’ - and a perfect illustration of how Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Sidhi programme can create world peace." — Marek, UK
"The WPA in Romania is a place where my body, mind and soul feel at peace. I love this atmosphere of unity, bliss, security and joy. And there are so many open hearts here." — Anna, Ukraine
"Rather than being at home reading the news and feeling helpless, here on the World Peace Assembly I know that each meditation contributes in a real way. In the end, only peace can create peace, and here is the best way where I can make a difference." — Mike, England

"Was one of the strongest experience of my life, it was simply BLISSFULL. No words can describe the joy of being together in this very large and warm family, especially doing the Sidhi program in a such a large group was an extraordinary experience which I will repeat again and again, as long as this WPA will continue to exist. I am so much richer now and my heart is full of gratitude!" — Adriana, Romania

"What impressed me the most during this World Peace Assembly is that many people of a certain age (some of them in their 80s) have come, in some cases from a very great distance, to work for peace. For me, this shows their great hearts." — Asko, Finland
"For me the most beautiful feeling here is that I am doing something real to stop the war. Something that not many people in the world are trained to do…" — Ekateryna, Ukraine

“ ... my heart began to expand so much that I felt like my chest was going to crack open. The weight and the immensity of the love that was flowing seemed more than I could bear at first. It flowed over into everyone and everything. I would meet fellow course participants, encounter trees, and birds and have the same experience. Everything became my beloved. This is going on the whole course. There's been many tears of intense gratitude. Somedays I sit in meditation and it feels like there's an indescribable soft rain coming down over me. Then one day I recognized that the rain was falling Grace. I only need to close my eyes and sit quietly and it returns.” — Mary R., USA
"One week of beautiful flying, so many kind and warm people, the best chutney ever and a peaceful and powerful atmosphere this is how I would describe WPA Romania. Excellent experience!" — Lucia, Romania

"I hesitated before coming on the course: ... travelling alone in Romania, Covid, this and that … until the moment when I just banished all doubts and excuses and bought the plane ticket. It was the best decision I could have made. It’s really been a wonderful experience. What impressed me are the course participants, so dedicated to making the world better, the goodwill and kindness in the group, the regular contact with the group in Ukraine and in Russia who, when talking about their experiences, show how, even in the midst of the greatest adversity, it is possible to live in peace." — Christiane, France
"My eight days at the Course in Romania were life-changing for me. I am grateful for what you have all done ... and continue to do. Jai Guru Dev" — Angelo, USA

"I came to the course with great sadness and fear in my soul. The first 2 weeks of the course were very difficult for me. I cried in meditation...I could not sleep at night because of back and arm pain. My condition began to improve in the third week. Every day I felt great support from participants and leaders. I had plenty of time for inner peace. In the fourth week, all thoughts came to fruition, new ideas and new opportunities came to mind. Life was filled with colors and gladness again. I am very grateful for the opportunity to be a part of such an incredible TM family!" — Iryna, Ukraine
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