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Our forerunners at Lake Amara - the next location for the World Peace Assembly in Romania

Updated: Jul 7, 2022

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Helen Cross
Helen Cross
01 juil. 2022

Everyone has their own personal cycle of sattva- rajas-tamas, and it’s clear that the profile of the gunas appears at every level of activity in every aspect of life and in all forms and sizes. Most people would agree that humanity as a whole is deeply enmeshed in the phase of tamas right now and has been for several hundred years. What, in the future, will bring about the beginning of a transition into sattva phase and when, no-one knows. The possibility exists that it won’t: this rajas phase is terminal. Each individual must therefore resort to its own path of enlightenment. Group communal activity no longer has any meaningful role to play in the destiny of the human race

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