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Come and do the most for yourself and for the collective consciousness

Writer's picture: Raja FelixRaja Felix

"Zahvaljujem prijateljima koji su mi poslali informaciju i pomogli da dođem na skup svjetskog mira, posvećen uspostavljanju mira u istočnoj Evropi. Međunarodni skup svetskog mira se održava u čuvenom ljetovalištu Mamai, u Rumuniji. Ovdje sam se pridružio grupnim, veoma intenzivnim meditacijama i TM-Sidhi programu. Ulazeći u najdublje nivoe tišine unutar sebe pomažemo stvaranje sklada u kolektivnoj svijesti, i pomažemo uspostavljanju trajnog mira u Ukrajini. Iako iza sebe imam mnogo rezidensa i tri višenedeljna meditiranja u Brahmastanu, u Indiji, današnje meditiranje - iako je tek prvi dan u Mamaiu, mi izgleda najdublje poniranje u mirnije nivoe mog bića. Bio sam iznimno sretan u toku, a i poslije meditacije pa bih volio da ovu moju poruku Branko podijeli kako bi inspirisala druge meditante i sidhase da dođu ovdje i učine najviše kako za sebe tako i za kolektivnu svijest ljudi sa ovog prostora."

Prof dr Suad Kurtćehajić, akademik Redovni profesor Fakulteta političkih nauka u Sarajevu

Predsjednik Bosanske akademije nauke i umjetnosti "Kulin ban"

Google translation

"I thank my friends who sent me information and helped me come to the World Peace Conference, dedicated to establishing peace in Eastern Europe.

The International World Peace Summit is being held in the famous resort of Mamai, Romania. Here I joined group, very intense meditations and the TM-Sidhi program. By entering into the deepest levels of silence within ourselves, we are helping to create harmony in the collective consciousness, and we are helping to establish lasting peace in Ukraine.

Although I have many residencies behind me and three weeks of meditation in Brahmastan, India, today's meditation - even though it is only the first day in Mamai, seems to me the deepest dive into the calmer levels of my being.

I was extremely happy during and after the meditation, so I would like Branko to share this message of mine to inspire other meditators and sidhas to come here and do the most for themselves and for the collective consciousness of the people of this area. "

Prof. Dr. Suad Kurtćehajić, academician

Full professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo

President of the Bosnian Academy of Sciences and Arts "Kulin Ban"

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