"Atmosfera na skupu, koja okuplja najizuzetnije ljude iz čitavog sveta, je humana i beskrajno čista. Rusi, Ukrajinci, Amerikanci, Japanci, Južnoafrikanci, Nemci, Austrijanci, Mađari, Švajcarci, Libanci, Hrvati, Španci, Kanađani, Meksikanci
, Bošnjaci, Srbi i, naravno, Rumuni, ovde zajedno štite temelje civilizacije.
Iskustva sa ovog tečaja su najneverovatnija sa kojima sam se ikada sreo. Beskrajna koherencija, dobra namera i harmonija među svim učesnicima, stvaraju atmosferu u kojoj su moguća svakodnevna, kristalno jasna iskustva kozmičke svesti, božanske svesti i svesti jedinstva.
Život je suviše kratak i ne propustite priliku da i sami porastete do najviših stanja svesti. Broj učesnika svakodnevno raste - danas ih je stiglo dvadesetak i intenzitet programa je sve jači i jači.
A ako se pitate kako je moguće da relativno mala grupa od 70-ak ljudi kreira tako snažna iskustva apsolutnog blaženstva, praćena beskrajno proširenom svešću, odgovor je jednostavan.
Učesnici skupa svetskog mira u Mamaiji, u Rusiji i Ukrajini su ono najbolje što je ljudski rod iznedrio - meditanti i Sidhe koji ovog trenutka potpuno svesno daruju najdragocenije što imaju - deo vremena svog života, da bi sačuvali celokupan ljudski rod.
Da li mislite da oni nemaju porodice, poslovne projekte, neodložne obaveze, ispitne rokove, važne profesionalne edukacije u toku, životne planove, lične i partnerske izazove?
Pa ipak, oni su ovde.
I Majka Priroda im nesebično uzvraća."
Branko Čičić
učitelj tehnike TM
Google translation:
"The atmosphere at the assembly, which gathers the most exceptional people from all over the world, is humane and infinitely pure. Russians, Ukrainians, Americans, Japanese, South Africans, Germans, Austrians, Hungarians, Swiss, Lebanese,
Croats, Spaniards, Canadians, Mexicans, Bosniaks, Serbs and, of cou
rse, the Romanians, here together protect the foundations of civilization.
The experiences from this course are the most amazing I have ever encountered. Infinite coherence, good intentions and harmony among all participants, create an atmosphere in which everyday, crystal clear experiences of cosmic consciousness, divine consciousness and consciousness of unity are possible.
Life is too short and do not miss the opportunity to grow to the highest states of consciousness. The number of participants is growing every day - today about twenty of them arrived and the intensity of the program is getting stronger and stronger.
And if you are wondering how it is possible for a relatively small group of about 70 people to create such powerful experiences of absolute bliss, accompanied by an infinitely expanded consciousness, the answer is simple.
Participants in the World Peace Summit in Mamaia, Russia and Ukraine are the best that the human r
ace has produced - meditators and Siddhas who are now consciously donating the most precious thing they have - part of their lives, to preserve the entire human race.
Do you think that they do not have families, business projects, urgent obligations, exam deadlines, important professional education in progress, life plans, personal and partner challenges?
And yet, they are here.
And Mother Nature unselfishly reciprocates. "
Branko Čičić
teacher of TM